Top 10 Dental Myths Debunked By Our Expert Dentists in Surat
There’s no secret to maintaining a clean and healthy mouth, but you can take care of some dental myths, debunked by our expert dentist in Surat.
Summirow Dental Blogs: Tips, News & Expert Dental Advice
There’s no secret to maintaining a clean and healthy mouth, but you can take care of some dental myths, debunked by our expert dentist in Surat.
Visiting the dentist is not an entirely pleasant experience for everyone. So, when should you go for your dental checkups?
Common Reason for Tooth Sensitivity How to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity? Gingival recession and cervical tooth wear can be avoided with the best dietary and oral hygiene practices. A proper brushing technique will help reduce gum recession and cervical tooth wear. Consumption of acidic food and drink should be limited to reduce acid attacks on the tooth enamel. More …
Loss of Function The main function of the teeth is to aid in chewing and mastication of food. Loss of teeth can significantly hamper this function. Loss of Nourishment Loss of function can prevent an individual from consuming certain types of hard food without a full complement of teeth. This condition can prevent the patient …
The most common questions which are frequently asked by the parents of infants /toddlers to Dental practitioners are: Most people think that Milk Teeth do not matter as they will fall out after a few years. In fact, Milk Teeth do matter as they are very important for a child’s health and …
Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is considered a popular and predictable way to save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. During this procedure, the infected pulp from the root canal system of the tooth is completely removed; the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Similarly, …
A wisdom tooth, also known as the third molar, is one of the three molars of a quadrant within the human dentition. It is the foremost back of the three molars. It usually erupts in a grown-up (late adolescence) amid the early twenties. You must be wondering why are they called wisdom teeth. They sure don’t …
Root Canal is a technique specifically formulated to eradicate bacteria from the diseased root canal and save the original tooth. Innumerable teeth are treated and protected this way each year, releasing pain and making teeth strong once again. There are common delusions that dental procedures such as root canals should be dodged at all costs maybe …