Super Speciality Dental Hospital
Patient Getting Rc Tretment at summirow

Root Canal(RC) Treatment in Vesu, Surat

Root Canal Therapy,

Also known as endodontic therapy, simply means treating from inside of the tooth. Beneath the hard enamel, our teeth has a soft core called dental pulp. Deep decay, Cracks or Injury can lead to bacteria entering and damaging the pulp.

RCT helps to remove bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent extraction of the tooth and alleviate pain. The inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and sealed allowing you to eat the food you love and maintain your natural smile.

If left untreated, the infection in the tooth can cause various other issues like:

  • Swelling of the face, neck, or head.
  • The infection may penetrate deeper down and lead to Bone loss.
  • A hole can occur through the side of the tooth with drainage inward into the gums, or outward into the cheek and eventually into the skin leading to various issues.

Signs That a Root Canal Treatment Is Needed

While the first symptom is most often severe pain, other signs include followings.

Lady feeling tooth sestivity pain with after eating ice candy

Extreme Tooth Sensitivity That Lingers

Lady Feeling Acute Pain On Chewing Food

Acute Pain On Chewing Food

Swollen or Painful Gums

Swollen or Painful Gums

Darkened Gums

Darkened Gums

Of Root Canal Therapys

A root canal is usually done by an endodontist or a general dentist and can require one or two visits depending on the complexity of the tooth decay.


A dental X-rays to check the extent of tooth damage and check for signs of any infection in surrounding bones. The treatment begins with a local anesthesia to control pain.


Using dental instruments , an opening is made by drilling the tooth. The decay and infection are removed through the opening by scraping the sides of the root canal.


Once flushed and cleaned, the root canals are reshaped and fully disinfected before filling.


Rubber like material called as Gutta- Percha is used to fill the canals and securely sealed.


The final step involves restoration and protection of tooth by placing a crown which avoids it from breaking or any damage.

Teeth Diagram Explaing RC canal Treatment

If you are looking for Root canal in surat , our expert team of dentists at Summirow Dental , closely monitor, check and scan the area before placing the crown for complete patient satisfaction.

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Looking For Root Canal Therapy In Surat?

Post Treatment Care For Root Canal Therapy

Simple precautions after treatment can go a long way and help restore your treated tooth to last a lifetime .

  • Wait for numbness to wear off before you eat anything.
  • Refrain eating any hard food until crown is fixed.
  • Don’t wait too long to fix the crown after treatment.
  • Brush and floss daily to avoid any infection.
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